Glasgow Clyde College receives Cycling Friendly Campus Award
We have received an award from Cycling Scotland, the nation's cycling organisation, for our commitment to making it easier for people to get on their bikes.
Credit rating the Wella Colour Higher Level Diploma
As part of SCQF week (13 - 17 March), Julie Wales, Curriculum Quality Leader for the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing has shared the process undertaken to credit rate the new Wella Colour Higher Level Diploma.
Construction students old Victoria Infirmary site visit
Construction apprentices recently joined the site team at the old Victoria Infirmary, which is currently being redeveloped into over 400 homes.
Wella launches degree-level qualification for hair colourists
Glasgow Clyde College has worked with Wella to develop a degree level qualification.
We take a look back at 2022
As we reach the last day of college for 2022, we thought we'd take a look back at the past year.
College opens support shops to tackle cost of living crisis
We've launched spaces offering free clothes at its three campuses to ease the pressures of the cost of living crisis for our students.
Course You Can! Courses renamed to match dream careers
Need help becoming a YouTuber, Minecraft builder or influencer? These are the top-rated dream jobs of young people in Scotland according to a survey carried out by Glasgow Clyde College.
Students make a racquet during an ‘event’-ful November
There is never a dull moment for our HND Event Management students. Find out how they got on at two of Glasgow's biggest events recently.
Cost of Living Webinars
As the cost of living increases, we are all feeling the impact. The college has teamed up with some of Scotland's expert agencies to help students and staff with some practical advice.
Samantha Birrell: HND Industrial Biotechnology
As part of Scottish Careers Week, science student Samantha shares why the HND Industrial Biotechnology course has set her up for a career in science.
Graduation and Awards 2022
After two years of virtual ceremonies, students from Glasgow Clyde College took to the stage once again, with an in-person graduation.