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Tuition Fees For Part-time Courses (Including Evenings)

This document outlines fee and fee-payment arrangements for various types of part-time course. The exact arrangements will depend on the specific course you are joining. Many students who meet eligibility criteria will have their fees paid for them via fee waiver.


Fee waiver

If you meet specific criteria, you may be eligible to have your fees paid to the College by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). This is called fee waiver. The information provided here may change if there are changes to relevant SFC guidance. Please note that you must be eligible under residency criteria also. Fee waiver is not available for the College’s leisure programme (Love to Learn) or commercial courses.

We are able to offer fee waivers for most part-time courses in the following circumstances:

A. Where you, your spouse, partner, parent or legal guardian are in receipt of:

  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Pension Credit
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • Universal credit.

B. Where you are in receipt of:

  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Contributory Employment and Support Allowance, or
  • Personal Independence Payment.

C. Where you, your spouse, parent or legal guardian is an asylum seeker living in Scotland.

D. Where the taxable income of the student’s family in the year before the course starts is equal to, or lower than, the thresholds below:

  • Households with only one person: £8,282
  • Households consisting of a couple without children: £12,395, or
  • Households with dependent children: £18,977

Where there has been a substantial reduction in income from the previous financial tax year, the current financial tax year can be assessed.

E. Where you are care-experienced and under 26 years old (looked after and in the care of the local authority – can include living in foster home, children’s home, residential home, kinship care or in the care of local authority in your own home)

F. Where you are a school pupil attending at college as part of their school timetable.

Please note that you must be eligible under residency criteria also.

What do I need to do?

  • Provide up-to-date evidence (covering this financial year) to support your status to the college when you enrol. If you do not produce this evidence at time of enrolment, you would be given 4 weeks to provide this to us. If after 4 weeks you still cannot provide this evidence you would be removed from the course or your status would be changed to self-financing and you then need to pay for this course.
  • You should have your evidence providing your residency status documentation in advance of enrolment.



If you do not qualify for fee waiver, or if the course is not eligible for fee waiver, you will be liable for the fees.

How much will I pay?
Fees vary dependent on which course you are studying.  You may have to pay a higher rate fee for some courses if you do not meet residency eligibility criteria. Please contact us at to find out the specific fee for your course or if you are in any doubt about your residency status.

What do I need to do?

  • Be prepared to make a first payment at time of enrolment. You may have to pay all of your fee, or some of your fee (up to £250), on the day you enrol.
  • Provide your bank details (sort code, account number and branch address) and be prepared to pay the appropriate amount.
  • If course fees are not paid you may be withdrawn from the course.



If your employer has agreed to pay some of all your course fees, you need to provide written confirmation from your employer.

You may still need to make a payment and/or set up a standing order for the portion of your fees that your employer is not paying.


SDS Individual Training Account (ITA)

Please visit to check if you are eligible for funding and if ITA funding is available for your course. If you are eligible, then you’ll still be entitled to funding of up to £200 per year towards a course. You’ll only be able to do one course in any learner year, and the course should be geared towards helping you with getting a job or progressing in your career. 

How much will I pay?

  • Where available, ITAs cover a maximum of £200 of your course fees. You will be liable for the remainder of your fees if they are more than £200 at time of enrolment.

What do I need to do?                                                                                   

  • Check the website and My World of Work to see if ITA is available for your course and you are eligible for funding
  • Applications are now open and between now and 31 October in the year your course starts. Should applications reach 14,000 before 31 October in the year your course starts, the funding allocation will cease until further notice
  • Ensure that your ITA account is open before booking a place on your course
  • Provide proof of your income to the college to have your ITA verified
  • Once verified, contact the College to book your place
  • The College will claim the ITA funds from Skills Development Scotland on confirmation of attendance from your tutor.


SAAS part-time fee grant

SAAS (Student Award Agency for Scotland) part-time fee grant is available for part of your fees for some of our part-time advanced HN courses, if you earn less than £25,000 per year.

How much will I pay?
The level of fee grant is calculated pro-rata based on the number of units you are studying. You will be liable for the remainder of your fees.

What do I need to do?

  • Apply to SAAS now. Visit the SAAS website and choose Part-time undergraduate study or call on 0300 555 0505 for any enquiries.
  • Ensure you select the correct college for your funding application.
  • Be prepared to make a payment for the remainder of your fees via debit / credit card over the telephone directly to the College (0141 272 3338) or to make a direct payment via your bank account (contact for college bank account details to make this transaction).
  • If your employer has agreed to pay all or part of your fees, you need to provide written confirmation (via email) from your employer which includes a relevant Purchase Order number (if applicable).
  • You may still need to make a payment and / or set up a standing order for a portion of your fees if your employer or SAAS are not paying your course fees in full and you are responsible for paying any remaining balances. Standing orders are only available if the remaining balance is over £550. 
  • The closing date for applications for courses with a start date between August 2022 and 31 March 2023 is 31 March 2023 and applications will not be processed after this date. 


Non-payment of fees

Failure to ensure full and correct payment of fees may result in you being asked to withdraw from the course and certification for your course may be withheld. You will still be liable to pay any outstanding fees.


Withdrawn students

For those students who pay for their tuition, if you withdraw from your course, you will be liable to pay some or all of your tuition fees. We will calculate how much you are due to pay, depending on your withdrawal date, and invoice you accordingly:

  • If you withdraw within 5 weeks of the course start date – you will not be charged for any Tuition you received
  • If you withdraw after 5 weeks – this will be calculated from day 1 of the course start date until the last date of attendance – Finance will issue an invoice to you
  • SAAS will not fund your course if you withdraw prior to 1st  December, and as such, you will become liable for your tuition fees as detailed above. If you are SAAS funded and consider withdrawing from your course, please contact to enquire on the financial implications or future funding implications this may incur.



Requests for refunds should be submitted, in writing, to the relevant Curriculum Manager or Curriculum Assistant Principal, for consideration.

In the event of a refund being processed, a £40.00 Administration Fee will apply (regardless of the value of the refund).


Replacement student cards

Student cards and replacement student cards are subject to access to college buildings and may not be available during COVID restrictions. A digital alternative to the physical student card is available for enrolled students at

If you lose your student card, you can obtain a replacement for £3.00. Contact Finance to make this payment, provide a copy of your receipt to Student Enrolment and they will issue you with a new card.


Further information

For more information, please contact Student Advice on 0141 272 3636 or

More information about student fees and finance in Scotland is available at the Student Information Scotland website:

Please note that part-time courses are not eligible for student exemption from Council Tax.