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Industrial Action Message for Students

Important Information

Industrial action is presently taking place nationally across all of Scotland’s colleges. This means that some teaching staff, in addition to striking, are not entering results into college systems for them to be sent to the relevant awarding body (eg SQA). 

This is a national dispute between the College Employers and the EIS-FELA teaching union and is outwith the control of Glasgow Clyde College to resolve locally.  Discussions are ongoing to resolve the dispute but we realise that the situation may be causing you concern and hope that the following information will help keep you informed. 

What does this mean for me?

  • If you are a student in session 2023-24, this may mean that your results are delayed in getting to the relevant awarding body. 
  • However, this doesn’t mean that you haven’t completed your course or passed your assessments.  Most lecturers have been happy to inform you of your results. 
  • All of your assessments or course work should have been marked and the results are ready to be entered as soon as this dispute ends.
  • For those undertaking SQA Highers or National 5s, the scheduled certification date remains Tuesday 6 August and, as these qualifications are externally marked, these certificates should arrive as normal. 
  • In some cases, it may not be possible to complete your qualification by the end of June and plans to do this in August will be communicated to you as soon as possible. 

What will the college do to help during this period?

  • The college will honour all conditional offers made to students progressing internally to further study at GCC for courses starting in August 2024. This means that conditional offers are being converted to unconditional offers where appropriate. It’s still important you do everything possible to complete your current course to gain the skills and knowledge to help you be successful next year.
  • While the dispute continues, the college will liaise with universities and employers to keep them informed of the situation and implement any interim arrangements.
  • A number of Universities (including GCU and UWS) have already converted conditional offers to unconditional ones – and they will be in touch. However, all HN students should note that they are still expected to complete their HN qualification.
  • Once the dispute is resolved, the college will prioritise those students hoping to progress to further study or jobs and communicate with universities and employers to confirm results. 
  • Our teaching staff finish on 26 June and return on 8 August if you need to contact any curriculum staff, between those dates we may be more limited in providing any detailed responses on your results and progress. 

We apologise for the disruption to your learning and will do everything possible to help you complete your qualification and progress next year. 

If you have further questions please contact your own Faculty (Guidance Tutor or Curriculum Manager) in the first instance. As indicated, teaching staff finish on Wednesday 26 June and return from holiday on 8 August 2024

Between these dates please use the Faculty email for your course to record any concerns or questions - although responses may be limited during this period due to staff holidays. 

Find a list of Faculty contact details here

Please check the college website and social media for updates